James M Sandbrook of
Wairakei Place, Tokoroa, New Zealand.
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Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Education. Electronics.  Fitness/Self Defence.

Garden/Yard. Health. House Ideas. How To. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation.

Movies. Music. NZ. OOS/RSI. People.  Personal Care. Poetry. Projects. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. Sewing.

Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories. Tips. Tools. Whats It Mean? Words.  Woodwork.              



Just to give you some idea of what options you have other than a lawn mower to mow your lawns, cut grass, cut scrub etc. I have to admit to being impressed by how efficiently these people cut the grass/scrub by more natural means rather than using petrol/oil or electricity.

With more and more people considering the environment and their health they are choosing more healthy ways of doing things/. You are a double winner if you use a tool rather than a mower because this is also very good for your physical health. Following a petrol driven machine means breathing in the fumes the whole time you are using it. Using a cutter of some sort that is only powered by your body is far healthier and a nice way to keep fit at the same time and safer for the insects and small animals.
If you are cutting thorns etc a suggestion I have is use big welding gloves or do as I did and buy bee-keeping gloves that go all the way up to your elbows, these work well for me protecting my hands and arms from the thorns.

Swing Blade/Sling Blade:
Hardwood handle is strong and durable. Tempered steel braces for added strength. Double-edged serrated blades. Cuts Weeds and Tall Grass.

Mowing Mowing

Scything is one way we are looking at towards reducing our dependence on oil and moving towards self-sufficiency.  

Austrian Scything is one method you may want to look up.

Harvesting with a Kama (Japanese Sickle)

How to Sharpen a Japanese Sickle - An In-Depth Guide

DIY Ground Driven Mower From JUNK!

Grass Whip

Hand-Mowing Every Blade in the Field

Repairs and Maintenance.

Handle Attachment for a Sickle

For cutting around flower beds or bushes and in close places I find that an extension handle for a sickle is quite an assistance. The auxiliary handle is bound to the sickle handle with wire at the ends and is further fastened with a screw in the center. The arrows show the directions in which the hands should be moved in working the sickle.—Contributed by A. S. Thomas, Gordon, Can.


Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Education. Electronics.  Fitness/Self Defence.

Garden. Health. House Ideas. How To. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation.

Movies. Music. NZ. OOS/RSI. People.  Personal Care. Poetry. Projects. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. Sewing.

Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories. Tips. Tools. Whats It Mean? Words.  Woodwork.