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The Notebook
PG-13 - 2 hours 3 minutes - Drama, Romance.
The opening words from veteran actor James Garner are:
“I am nothing special, of this
I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There
are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved
another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough..”
He is introduced as Duke, a man who is there to read to a fellow woman patient who we come to realize is suffering mentally and has great trouble remembering. The story is a romantic story, wild, exciting, full of twists and turns, which helps keep her interested in what the story is all about.
This is a movie about two youngsters, Allie and Noah.
Noah comes on to Allie with male ignorance, innocence and love. He has every desire to be near her, to talk to her, to have her in his space because he has become totally captivated by her.
Noah is so naïve that he does not think about her wealth, her parents, he just thinks that as long as she likes him it will all work out.
Allie on the other hand is charmed by his enthusiasm and eagerness to get to know her, but she has her parents in-built training of the wealthy within her, and that training tells her to go for another life, a different type of male, and maybe at the start she really is not attracted to him much anyway.
Allie and Noah end up going to the cinema/movies with mutual friends and decide to walk home and they start to bond from then on.
Noah lays on the road and teaches, rather foolishly, Allie to take risks. Its an interesting way to do it.
They nearly get run over and Allie is thrilled with the excitement, years of being overprotected by her parents gave her a protected cautious life of little real enjoyment. Noah asks her to dance with him and she agree’s thus starting a wonderful romance.
Allie’s parents are over protective, overwhelming, demanding and use their wealth and public image to get what they want done.
The movie is based on the 1996 novel of the same name by writer Nicholas Sparks, directed by Nick Cassavetes, written by Jeremy Leven and Jan Sardi. The movie has a cult type following and is a favourite for many. If you like Nicholas Sparks’s books you should like this movie, and if you like romance and a good story then this is the movie for you.
Highly recommended by me and a favourite of mine.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
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