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PG - 1 hour 59 minutes - Drama, Family, Sport
Overcomer is an American Christian drama film from the Kendrick brothers. This is their 6th film.
Directed by Alex Kendrick, who wrote the script with Stephen Kendrick.
A basket ball coach, John Harrison, is losing his team due to events beyond his control
takes up the job of couch for cross-country running at the request of the school
principal, and ends up with an asthmatic young girl as the only member of the team.
movie is very emotional dealing with many of the things that a non-Christian and
Christian deal with in everyday life.
The move gives a good example of the parents trying to get through this new and trying time that has come their way along with a wage cut for John Harrison.
Hannah Scott (Aryn Wright-Thompson), is the student who is John’s only member of his running team.
Along with her being an asthmatic, she is also a thief, and running is a skill she uses to get away from people she steals from. The beginning of the movie shows this. But she is a likeable teenager with a troubled upbringing.
She lives with her grandmother.
Unknown to Hannah her grandmother holds a secret that she does not want Hannah to know.
Shari Rigby, who acts as Amy Harrison, John's wife, is very convincing as a good wife who only wants the best for her family and her husband.
There are many twists and turns in the movie which make the movie very interesting and enjoyable, and there are answers to questions you may ask yourself while watching the movie.
I enjoyed the move and have watched it a few times. A good movie, recommended.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
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