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Computer Maintenance Advice
Every computer programmer should know about keeping his or her PC System in good order, here are some simple tips to help you with this task. Before cleaning anything on your computer turn it off and then wait a while for the monitor to cool down.
Installing a computer:
The computer must be put on a strong level surface, like a table.
This table must be high enough for you to be comfortable typing at.
Your computer monitor should be at eye level. If you find you are getting a sore neck while using your computer, it is probably because you are looking at your monitor from an angle and over a period of time this causes your neck to hurt.
You should have enough room on the table:
* for the system unit.
* for the keyboard.
* for the computer mouse to be moved around.
* for the computer monitor.
* your computer disks.
Your computer system should:
* be away from any moisture, dust.
* not be under shelves, so books etc do not fall on it.
* not be in a kitchen or where people eat, away from crumbs etc.
* not be in an area where bright sunlight, or the room light can fall onto the screen.
* be in a place with good air flow. This air should be clean and dust free.
Make sure the computers power cables are out of the way so no-one can step on them or even trip over them.
The Mouse
If you get mouse cursor jumping or you cannot seem to get the mouse cursor to do exactly what you want it to do, then you might have to clean your mouse.
First you should remove the mouse ball from the bottom of the mouse case, this can be done by sliding or unscrewing a small plastic retaining cover.
With the mouse ball removed you can then use a vacuum cleaner to suck out any loose dust etc.
The rollers inside the mouse can be cleaned with a swab soaked in a cleaning fluid.
Sometimes you might have to scrape the rollers gently if the dust build-up on them is hard to get off.
You should clean the mouse ball with a clean dry cloth, just give it a wipe, some cleaning fluids can have a bad effect on the rubber coating that is on many mouse balls.
Some PC companies recommend that you should buy a new mouse every year.
You should also always use the mouse on a clean surface, if you work in a dusty area you will have to clean your mouse more often. Make sure the mouse pad is cleaned often.
You should always consider having a very good quality mouse, a good mouse can save you money in the long run and is also helpful in the prevention of RSI/OOS
I use a Logitech Trackman Marble FX, these Logitech mouse are well known for having a long life and they are easy to use.
The Logitech Trackman Marble FX does take a while to get use to, but I consider it money well spent.
The Monitor
You can clean the monitor glass with a glass cleaning fluid applied to a clean cloth, but you must make sure you do not let any of the cleaning solution drip (run) inside of the case.
The top of the monitor has vents, these should be free of dust.
Never spray any fluid directly onto your monitor or any other part of your computer system.
Never let people lean on your monitor.
Do not move a monitor around (move it from its table etc) while it is turned on, turn the monitor off first then wait a while for the monitor to cool down.
A monitor should not be put near a window, because the condensation could get inside the monitor through the monitor vents.
Never put anything on top of the monitor, and never cover the vents with a cloth, no matter how nice it may look.
If you have to move your monitor try and place it on a strong table, if it has to go onto the floor (this is not recommended) then place the monitor screen so it is facing a wall, this is so no-one will accidentally kick the monitor screen or bang it with a chair they are carrying or something else that could break the screen. Never place the monitor in a place where people walk, that is asking for a broken monitor and probably a broken leg for the person who trips over the monitor.
The Keyboard
You would be amazed at what can be found inside a computer keyboard.
The first rule is 'do not eat while you are working at the computer', food crumbs can easily get stuck inside a keyboard, and it is a real job getting them all out.
Do not drink fizzy drinks or any drinks for that matter while you are using your computer. If you must drink, have a small table or even a chair next to your computer table to put your drink on. It is very easy to spill a drink on a keyboard, but it is not easy cleaning the keyboard afterwards.
You can clean the keyboard and the tops of the keys, with a cleaning fluid applied to a clean cloth or swab, but you must make sure you do not let any of the cleaning solution drip (run) inside the keyboard case.
Things to look out for when you start your computer:
* any strange smell, like burning.
* any strange noises.
If any of these things happen when you start your computer, or at anytime while you are using your computer, switch your computer off immediately. Switch the computer off at the wall.
Call a repair person and ask them to have a look at your computer to find out what is wrong.
Here are some tips about upgrading your computer:
Before changing any computer cards or anything else in a computer system, you can take a piece of paper (use a A4 size pad if you like) and draw the inside of your computer on the paper. It does not have to be a work of art, just good enough to give you an idea where everything is before you make any changes. Then label all the parts in the drawing, include all plug-in cards, hard drives etc.
Before removing any connectors from the back of your computer, you can draw the back panel and all the positions of all the cards and connectors, then label them all in the drawing.
Before you remove a cable connector, you can place a 'tag' around the cable of the connector and then write the name of the connector on the tag. An example is, if the cable is the printer cable then write 'printer' on the tag.
Another way to do this would be to place coloured tags on the cables and then place the same coloured sticker next to the socket.
Example: Put a blue tag around the printer cable and then put a blue sticker next to the printer port.
The reason you should do this is so you will not make any mistakes putting the connector in the right socket.
Miscellaneous Tips:
To change the default application of a file type, simply select the file, hold down SHIFT and click the right mouse button. Select "Open With", and choose the program you want to use for this file type. Select "Always use this program to open this type of file" and voila!
Safe Mode:
If you want Windows to start up in Safe Mode, then hold down the Shift key at startup.
Note: Never take the cover off the monitor. A computer monitor has very high voltages and they are dangerous.
Note: Never open the computers power supply, this also has dangerous voltages.
Note: When using any cleaning fluids, always use a cleaning fluid that is recommended by your local computer store or in your computer user manual. Some cleaning fluids can cause the paint on a computer to discolour.
Sandbrook Software and James Sandbrook will not be held responsible for the way in which you decide to use the information above. If you do not know what you are doing then get a repairman or the shop you brought your computer off to do maintenance work.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
Monday, 22 November 1999, 6:52:00 PM.