James M Sandbrook
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What I wish I knew...


Pride Oneself On

I used to get confused when someone said that it was evil to be prideful, as they say Satan is, and it is foolish pride that destroys one's life and causes the person to not admit their past bad doings because they fear more what people will say rather than making things right, a bad state to be in for sure.

What we pride ourselves on is how we feel pleased about ourselves, what we did, how we did it and the outcome of the work, or how we affected other people’s lives for the better. Its all good to feel like this.

People can feel proud of an ability and that can be good because it is good to recognise our good points, what we are good at, and in the future that could be of great benefit to ourselves and others, but one shouldn’t let it become “puffed up chest fat head pride”.

One should not preen themselves, gloat, make loud noises of how great that they feel that they are etc.

Feeling good about your work makes a huge difference about how you feel about life and yourself.

In the past the carpenter would use tools far limited an inferior to what we have today yet turn out the most amazing very well fitting, well carved, attractive work that the modern day carpenter (unless this is their hobby making fine furniture etc) struggles with this sort of work.

The pride is in the work, and only wanting to do the very best that they can do while carefully developing ways in which to do the work efficiently, carefully, giving the best quality and detail, because they pride themselves on the work that they do. In metalwork, sewing, upholstery, carpentry etc, using the best materials when cheaper one’s could be used but wanting to give out a better quality product and wanting their name to be attached to such well through-out and carefully constructed fine work with such detail.

The writer who writes well written stories that have an ability to entertain and educate, is the writer who is concerned about how well their work is received, its value, and its affect on the readers minds, and so these writers pride themselves on giving the best quality with the very best effect on the minds of the readers and not some cheap thrown out books just for the sake of making a living and raking in the cash while also practically killing off interest of good decent literature in the minds of the (especially young) innocent readers.

A concern in our efforts and employment and how it affects other people’s lives, especially children’s, gives us a desire to be more careful, to be honourable, righteous, and to do the very best that we can do for others as well as ourselves, and in having this attitude we turn out a superior good quality work and feeling that we pride ourselves in the outcome of our work because of the efforts we put in, and the results in the community.

Its not about pride in our house, car, how we dress, but a good feeling of how satisfied the customer, or friend, and the like are after we have dealt with them. A person may have the roughest house, no car, raggy clothing, but makes beautiful carvings that are well sought out for their long lasting life, quality, and usefulness in the home (paperweights, door frame work, architrave, cutlery handles, book covers etc).

The person may have financial problems but be the very best comforting compassionate friend that you have ever known. Maybe sorting out the bills and money is not his thing that he is good at, but what he is good at is what he does best and has personal pride in and he respects himself for his talents, abilities and his deep gentle love for others and wanting them to be happy, strong, courageous and have self respect.

Good decent people pride themselves on how they treat others and make the world a better place as best as they can with their effort - its now about personal rewards (because doing the good work is a just reward) its about doing ones best and going to bed each night sleeping in peaceful rest because of what they did that day and how happy they are being who they always wanted to be, a good honest soul.

In being like this, seeing the good results of our well-intentioned efforts, the we feel a strong feeling of self-worth, self-love, gratification and self-respect - we are being everything that we needed from others as a child, and now as an adult we have compiled all our good qualities and staying on a good path we have this wonderful positive affect on society that really makes us feel very good about ourselves, our life, and the affect we have on other people.

This feeling of having pride in our work, our life, in our whole being, its the character we always longed for as a child and the character that interacts with others in such a way that they would also strive to be like this, causing them too to be a light in others lives and careful of the quality of their own character, life, work and how they affect the lives of other people.

This of which we pride ourselves on that is good and constructive is a result of good character, patience, good will, care of how we affect others lives, and a good feeling within of how we feel about our own self, a deep feeling of gentle unassuming pride in who we are, what we have become and living for the greater good of all.

All the best from

James M Sandbrook.

5th of March, 2021.

What I wish I knew...

Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Electronics.  Fitness/Martial Arts. Garden. Health. Homeschooling. Housework. Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music. People.  Poetry. Proverbs. Reviews. School Education. Skills. Stories. Tips. Tools. Words/Accronyms. Woodwork.  Home