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Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Education. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence.
Garden/Yard. Health. House Ideas. How To. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation.
Movies. Music. NZ. OOS/RSI. People. Personal Care. Poetry. Projects. Proverbs. Psychology. Religion. Reviews. Sewing.
Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories. Tips. Tools. Whats It Mean? Words. Woodwork.
The study of the human mind, ways and life from birth until death, all through the human life.
Psychology is the study of all things of our lives because in all things that we do we are alive, active mentally, even in sleep.
The mature mind in control of its emotions and doings is more than likely to enjoy life rather than the soul that is immature as a full adult.