James M Sandbrook of
Wairakei Place, Tokoroa, New Zealand.
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Results of Character Assassination for the victim.

The longer that the Character Assassination goes on the more and more the victim becomes the persecuted and accepts their life in Survival Mode.

In a Charles Dickens Novel young David Copperfield is getting a whipping from his mothers new boyfriend, and in the boys tormented confused mind (Survival Mode) he comes to the conclusion that yes he didn’t do anything wrong, but he must deserve it because an adult is physically punishing him.

One of the things a manipulator hates is a child that figures out what the manipulator is, even though the other parents is unaware of the manipulator being a narcissist. So the manipulator confuses the other parent about the child in question, in David’s case he confused the mother, that David was bad and because of the mothers inability to see that the man was a narcissist the child must pay the price heavily for her mistake, and he does.

The person who has been able to survive Character Assassination for over a decade becomes a recluse to some degree due to people not wanting much to do with the person yet there are some who have never heard the lies or some who come to the conclusion over some years that the victim is a good soul and was simply a victim of haters and gossip.

But in the back of the victims mind is a constant reminder that they are hated by many and therefore their life must be revolved around that, people avoided, events and activities avoided, and the person in their self-seclusion brought on by being basically outcast and ostracised by a decent percentage of their society, and the victim subconsciously lives somewhat like the person who they are accused on bring not in character, but in lifestyle.

The people who brought about the Character Assassination get on with life and their illegal or bad activities and get out in public and shine, making the victim look even worse and people who brought about the Character Assassination look as good decent innocent people, pillars of society, the very depth of what is good in life and good honest law abusing people - and now you know why people who are abusers get away with it for o long and many never get caught.

The hardest part is probably the finding of a new friend, possibly a lover, and then that person turns on them with dislike or even fear, and the victims head lowers in shame for something that they have done no wrong but are treated by someone who they newly believed in as guilty - its not easy to deal with, especially over and over again, year after year.

The victim struggles to get trades people to their premises to help fix things up like plumbers, electricians, and the like so they simply make do, and if repairs are needed for the roof, inside, the victim must try to figure out how to do it themselves with either no help or limited help, or in the case of a fire place just stay cold.

One of the things that the people who brought about the Character Assassination do is keep the hate constant so if something wonderful is about to happen to the victims life the people who brought about the Character Assassination will get in touch with those involved and the victim will make contact with his “friends” and they will have nothing to do with him, leaving the victim stunned, often in tears, and kind of mentally dulled as they are forced to accept that people who they counted on have deserted them for the lies, “once again”.

The person’s house becomes run down, he or she doesn’t lean up much or tend to the section, the person’s activities become more and more limited, there is few opportunities in the victims life as the people who brought about the Character Assassination keep up the banter and refuelling the minds of the Flying Monkeys so that they will remain in fear, will continue to hate the victim and the victims innocent family and they will limit the opportunities of the victim.

As each month and year goes by the victim becomes mentally dulled to it all except for the occasional tears and the victim, because the victim is accused by the many, accepts like young David Copperfield that they didn’t do anything wrong but all the masses are punishing the victim because the victim is not good enough, not equal, not worthy, not needed, not wanted, not liked, and the like.

The only people who really tend to like the victim are people who themselves have been victims or outcast by society, or people who have yet not heard the Character Assassination yet, so they have come to know the good decent character of the victim and they judge the victim on that, but in time they will change their minds as they are introduced to the Character Assassination by willing Flying Monkeys and the people who brought about the Character Assassination.

A materialistic thinking society is quick to judge, is easily led often, submits to authorities and titles, and in this they are weak and ripe for the use as Flying Monkeys for the people who brought about a  Character Assassination. If the people who brought about the Character Assassination have titles, money, years of cultivating “friends” and Flying Monkeys, the general public will see them as Pillars of Society, wonders to behold, and anyone who is their enemy is the Flying Monkey’s enemies as the Flying Monkeys go all out, even with hate, to bat for their “friends” the people who brought about the Character Assassination on an innocent person.

The victim still has life highs, but the lows are the constant back-of-the-mind wondering, who will be next to turn n the victim in favour of the people who brought about the Character Assassination.

Its not a nice way to live, think, or be, as being in constant Survival Mode is a constant stress on the mind and soul.

If you are told stories about someone please get into a good study of Character Assassination, what it is all about and how carefully the narcissists can manipulate the Police, public, and other titled people against one person or a family because the people who brought about the Character Assassination wants that person's life destroyed. Your wisdom. new knowledge and fairness, may just stop someone who did nothing wrong from the likes of suicide, unfair abuse, and long term misery.

All the best from

James M Sandbrook.

10th of April, 2021.


Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Education. Electronics.  Fitness/Self Defence.

Garden. Health. House Ideas. How To. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation.

Movies. Music. NZ. OOS/RSI. People.  Personal Care. Poetry. Projects. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. Sewing.

Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories. Tips. Tools. Whats It Mean? Words.  Woodwork.