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PG - 2 Hours 11 Minutes - Biography, Drama, Romance, Christian
Directed by Richard Attenborough
Produced by Richard Attenborough, Brian Eastman.
Some of us, we get to a stage in life where we are happy, alone and single, not looking for romance, not interested in it anymore, life is just what we made it to be, we own what we want, life is how we want it to be, and we are happy with our little lot. I feel this way with my life right now, and its good. You get the idea that Lewis is at that stage, just happy as he is.
C S Lewis, famous as the author of The Chronicles of Narnia children’s book series, has a formal meeting with an American woman, Joy Davidman, who was once a Communist but had now converted to Christianity. Her first marriage was troubled and so she left America to travel to England. As a child she was often referred to as a child prodigy as a writer and poet. With writing in her blood she arrives in good old England.
In the beginning of the movie when Joy meets “Jack”, the name he prefers to be called is jack, and she comes across as what the English tend to call, typically American and loud in character - she speaks what she feels, and to the English that is sometimes what they call rude, not polite. The conversation between the two is interesting and quite tactfully and sometimes not so tactfully she seems to take apart a lot of the things that “Jack” says and is, and in doing so instead of him being offended he seems very happy with her way and enjoys the conversation between them. What was supposed to be just a drink of tea between Lewis, Joy and Warnie (Lewis’ brother), becomes something more meaningful as the day wears on.
The relationship is friendly, then becomes a convenient situation in Joy’s favour where Lewis helps her out, but as time progresses from their different cultures, different views of life, different opinions, slowly develops into a feeling of connection and love, a bonding between the two that is special. Maybe when we are set in life and someone new enters our life that it is that person’s difference to who and what we have become that is like a bright light of something new, something we hadn't really encountered before, and will change us in ourselves in the most magical beautiful way as our soul becomes drenched with their character, ways and love, a situation we are happy to drown in emotionally letting our heart have its way.
These kind of life encounters turn one’s life upside down and flipped over emotionally, twisted and turned, delighted with what has now invaded our life and brought new feelings, new desires, new wants and then delightfully finding out that this person is exactly what we need, we find that we don’t want to lose this new dose of life changing happiness, this delight to the soul, this gentle feeling that is new, it is the contentment of being with another, wanting to be in their space and longing to be in their arms.
I cried a lot when I first watched this movie due to the sad situation that they find themselves in and because it is an emotional movie.
I have it on VHS video and DVD and have always found it very touching and special.
tends to come into our life and invade us, turning everything upside down, making
it more enjoyable, a joy, and we are delighted with the other, so much so that we
don’t ever want to let that person go.
We se and learn of some of the strange ways on England, of Lewis, their lives and a beautiful relationship between's friends that becomes genuine touching love. Highly recommended. You can find the movie on our Movie Page. Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger play their parts well, and convincingly.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
7th of February, 2021.
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