Copyright © All rights reserved. Made by James Martin Sandbrook.
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Means something that has no real depth.
“The water is shallow, so it is safe for the children to jump in and play about.”
“The water only goes up to the ankles, safe enough.”
When they speak of a person being shallow, they mean that the person is mentally of little depth.
The kind of person who lives for pleasures, accepts life as it has been presented to them, and does not think out of the square or has any intention of doing so. Basically a person who allows life to take them along in whatever direction.
Oxford Languages puts it this way: ‘not exhibiting, requiring, or capable of serious thought.’
Your Dictionary puts it this way:
The definition of shallow is something that is
not deep or someone who is concerned only about silly or inconsequential things.
An example of shallow is a hole that is only an inch deep. An example of shallow
is a person who only cares about someone's looks and how much money they have.
Shallow is accepting a person as a marriage partner based on the gifts they receive, money, dates the other person’s material worth, their money, income, how they treat your children - any person can act or fake or have these things and still be a very bad person, fake.
A Deep Person is a Thinker, a person who does not take things at face value, and does not judge a book by the cover, and takes a personal interest in people, in what they do for a living, how they interact with others, and hopes to leave a deep imprint on each soul that they encounter during their lifetime.
To a shallow person partying is fun, to a deep person fun is how they live, and the joy that they get lifting others up and making a difference, and always carrying a smile even if he or she does not feel like smiling to help others day be better. Deep people think about others while shallow people think of themselves.
An example:
A man said that, “Years ago my wife was going out regular with people
drinking and I asked her if they were her friends, and she said that each night when
she went in to drink with them they would laugh and cheer as she walked into the
room, and they would all get down to fun and drinking.
I then asked her if she was at the side of the road with a flat-tire would they stop
and help her. This stumped her for a bit and she said that some would but she looked
a bit doubtful.
What about loaning you money I said, and she said a couple might.”
From her answers she was starting to see that the relationships that she had with them all were shallow, only of wanting pleasure with her, but not really wanting a relationship with her that required them to be there for her if she were in need, they were not friends, more like drinking acquaintances. The Good Samaritan Story is an example of a deep person, while the people who walked by were shallow and only really thinking of themselves.
Shallow thinking people have no idea that they are shallow thinkers, because they have 100% accepted life as they live it and what they have been told to think, and they are proud to be a part of their society, and they are often proud to attack verbally free-thinkers and deep thinking people as they see them as threats to their own shallow living and beliefs.
You will know them by their lifestyles, selfishness, lack of mental depth and their blind acceptance of society, how things are, the status quo, the things that they admire are meaningless, the things that they adore are idols, and their seeking of pleasure and letting other people do the meaningful things in their life for them when really they should do them. When you speak to them of more meaningful things they simply don’t get it.
Please always endeavour to be a thinker, a deep person, someone who cares, shares and makes a difference, the world needs more people like that.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
21st of March, 2021.
Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence. Garden.
Health. Homeschooling. Housework. Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music.
NZ. People. Personal Care. Poetry. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. School Education. Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories.