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Complex means many things mentally.
Below are some examples of “Complex” as in a person having a Complex and mental health examples:
Macmillan Dictionary puts it this way:
An emotional problem caused by unreasonable
fears or worries have/develop a complex about something:
I used to have a complex about being in crowds. give someone a complex:
“If you keep telling her she’s clumsy, you’ll give her a complex.”
Mental Health - American Health Center's.
A complex is an informal term for what happens when someone develops a belief (often an exadurated belief) that a particular situation is dangerous or embarrassing.
For example, you might say, “For heaven’s sake, don’t call attention to her nose being so big! You’ll give her a complex”.
The complex that our large-nosed protagonist might develop would be a belief that there was something wrong with the size of her nose. The person with the ‘complex’ might become so alarmed about her nose problem that she’d seek out the services of a plastic surgeon to correct things. The danger here being that in reality, there really wasn’t anything wrong with the nose in question, save for a few cruel comments and some insecurity (these two ingredients being the cause of most ‘complexes’).
Can also happen in a Character Assassination:
Everyone young blonde the family knew was told that the man had a fixation for blondes,
so the blondes were terrified of him and acted that way.
He noticing their irrational
fears and obvious dislike of him filled him with fears of false accusation and being
accused when he did nothing wrong, in his fears he gained a complex against blonde
females and avoided them like they had a disease. - Jms.
If someone has a complex about something, they have a mental or emotional problem relating to it, often because of an unpleasant experience in the past.
I have never had a complex about my height.
...a deranged attacker, driven by a persecution complex. - Collins Dictionary.
If a woman was told that someone was out to get her she could have a complex about that person.
But if you have an inferiority complex — an old-fashioned term for what Dr. Maddux instead calls chronic low self-esteem — you respond differently. You call yourself names, lament your shortcomings, and believe that your intense self-criticism is reasonable. Just when your self-esteem is most fragile, you attack it even further. This cycle is so deeply rooted that it consistently holds you back personally and professionally.
Narcissism is it? What is Meant by God Complex in Psychology?
Though not officially labeled a personality disorder, the God complex is very similar to the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and is often associated with it, too.
Did You Know?
In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the main protagonist, Hamlet, is believed to have somewhat of a God complex. Several celebrities today are also (in)famous for having a God complex.
Do you know anyone who feels as though they’re God, above everyone else, and want to be subjected to special treatment, ALL the time? Some people tend to forget that we’re not the creators of the world, and hence, we aren’t God. - Psychologenie & Buzzle.
Complex PTSD and emotional flashbacks
If you have complex PTSD you may be particularly likely to experience what some people call an 'emotional flashback', in which you have intense feelings that you originally felt during the trauma, such as fear, shame, sadness or despair. You might react to events in the present as if they are causing these feelings, without realising that you are having a flashback.
What causes complex PTSD?
The types of traumatic events that can cause complex PTSD include:
You are more likely to develop complex PTSD if:
In my personal experience I have found that people can form a complex from repeated treatment by others so much so that eventually the person being badly treated has a irrational fear of certain people, events, experiences and can develop irrational negative emotions and actions believing that they are real and are there to protect that person from this bad treatment.
If a person was treated badly by a particular human race over a period of time then that person would develop a “complex” and possibly hate or a fear of that race - it is irrational to feel that way, but still they do.
If a person was told over and over again that something that was not real was real, especially if it was scary then the person being told this lie by many people would believe it and act on it as if it were reality.
A man or woman who had many bad relationships may obtain a complex of over the opposite gender.
Exaggerated belief - an exaggerated belief brought on by others.
She fell in love
with a plump man, she couldn't help herself. But all the people she knew told her
that he was a loser, bad for her, not worthy of her and so on, and the poor girl
was so concerned about their opinions she gained an irrational fear of the man she
loves and suffered in silence for the love she would not let herself have.
Some thoughts.
I suppose it is safe to say that ‘we have become our “complex’”
If a person has a Complex it affects their judgments.
The girl with the nose that
she fears others seeing may refuse to go out, refuse to meet a handsome man, she
fears rejection for something that is not even noticed by the man who likes her.
The female who is in love with the plump man refuses him in her heart constantly because she fears what other people will say about her. She also fears walking the streets with him as she “imagines” all the people looking from their houses and laughing at her, yet in real life they are not even noticed and if they are from time to time people are nice and polite, but her imagination see’s people judging her when they are not.
We should do some self examination from time to time to see if we have irrational fears, a complex or two, and then see if we are making choices based on their power over our lives, and if they are, then it is time to face reality and do something about them.
People with a complex can imagine things happening that are not happening.
Such as the girl who has been told by others that she is fat or has a big nose, so now, whenever she is is out with people she is constantly believing that they are all noticing her nose and thinking about it, possibly talking about it.
Charlie Brown (Cartoon Character) is always thinking that when people are huddled
together talking that they are always saying bad things about him, but it isn’t so.
He has a complex and is also very insecure.
The young girl has freckles and has been
told by a few cruel remarks by vain people that she is ugly can feel its true when
it is not. And as mentioned above she can limit her life and happiness because she
fears how people see her. But the people who judge people that way are shallow and
insecure, especially insecure enough to hurt others to make them feel prettier and
If the guy was told at work all the time by the boss that he was useless, hopeless or was constantly harshly corrected he can gain a complex about his abilities and get worse at his job always fearing the next mistake. Yet, in the right environment he is very good at what he does.
Some churches' make out that the church is being victimized due to their faith and therefore they create in the congregation a fear of being attacked by Atheist and other denominations, and in doing so the congregation wants to stay ‘with the true church of God’. If the leaders of the church have to stoop so low to keep their congregation then they are not creating in the Christian courage or love, but fear and insecurities.
Then there is Persecution Complex, where the person is always believing that someone is out to get them, yet no one is. A person with persecutory delusions can have trouble recognizing reality, or telling the difference to truth and what their imagination has made up in their minds. And even though these beliefs are often unrealistic or even rather bizarre they can still cope to some degree in society, but their mind, emotions and body can seriously overreact when they think that they are being prosecuted or stalked.
Persecutory delusions frequently appear in mental health disorders, like schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. - Healthline.
I hope this helps you understand what “having a complex is” and that you could even have one and that it is irrational.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
28th of March. 2021.
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