James M Sandbrook of
Wairakei Place, Tokoroa.
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Spade Connectors

Another way to join wires together is to use male and female Spade Connectors. You get the option of buying insulated Spade Connectors or non-insulated Spade Connectors. If you use the non-insulated Spade Connectors it is wise to use insulation tape around them so that if they come loose they don’t touch other steel parts (or the chassis such as in a car) and cause a short which could result in damage or even a fire.

Female Spade connectors are used also for attaching wires to Relays and the like as we can see in Image 1 below.

Image 1
Image 2

Image 2 shows us what the female and male Spade Connectors look like. The Male Connector is on the right.

A Crimping Tool/Pliers is used to crimp the wire into the female or male Spade Connector.

Note: I have known of people to remove the insulation and soldier the connection then wrap them in tape for a better connection.

Above in Image 3 is my trusty Crimp Connector tool and a wire in the female Spade Connector ready to be crimped.

Image 3
Image 4

Image 4 shows the female and male Spade Connectors crimped and plugged together.

My suggestion is that if you are going to use such a connection then wrap some insulation tape around them so that the don’t touch other wires or steel parts of your work/project.

All the best from

James M Sandbrook.

24th of March, 2021.


Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Electronics.  Fitness/Self Defence. Garden.

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