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Stranger Than Fiction.
Director: Marc Forster
Writer: Zach Helm
Actors & Actresses:
Will Ferrell, Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman.
PG-13 | 1 hour 53 minutes | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy |
I like this movie a lot. I found it one day without any prior knowledge of what the movie was about and found it to be a confusing yet delightful movie about a man, a woman writer, and the mans very boring well organized life working for the IRS, oh yes, and his watch which seems to have a certain amount of control of Harold's life.
Harold Crick, played by Will Ferrell, is an organised man, reliable, yet shy, insecure
and somewhat strange.
It would probably be his well organized boring life that kept
the women away and he had no idea what he was missing out on living alone in his
well organised boring apartment.
We follow Harold through his normal mundane days waiting for something to happen, and it does.
I recommend this movie for its touching moments, and its very strange plot.
You can sort of see where Harold is coming from as he approaches life, feel sorry for him, and even worry about what this unfortunate soul will encounter next.
He meets woman while working for his company. She is a cookie baker, and while he checks her company books, he falls more and more in love with her, and her strange and unfamiliar (to him), yet exciting ways and manner. She deliberately assumes that he is the enemy and goes out of her way to make his work as hard as possible. something she regrets later on as she gets to know Harold better and gives him a chance. It is her giving him a chance that changes everything.
There is a few things that I a not going to mention, after all, this is stranger than fiction.
Some of the music is pretty good, and this helps the movie along as the excitement grows and even though the plot is logically more and more unbelievable the viewer soaks it all up and travels with Harold and it seems feasible and we all wish the best for clumsy Harold and his new life.
But in the end there is one big obstacle in the way of Harold having that happy life with Anna, and to find out what that is you will have to watch the movie.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.