Copyright © All rights reserved. Made by James Martin Sandbrook.
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I have seen this used so many times and I was watching Iron Man 3 and this guy is “Wowing” Pepper with his brain signals that are shown in colour like the stars of the universe and she is “Wowed”.
Having grown up with a mother and 6 sisters many males came to our home and many
of them knew about the “Wow Affect”, basically it is dazzling a woman so much so
that she lowered all her defences as she is dazzled by his charm, wealth, car, the
attention he lays on her, the nice things he says and does that feed her pride, ego,
lusts, and vanities.
The guy “Wowing” Pepper is touching her body in ways that she
would not have allowed him to do so if she was in another situation, normally she
would have told him off and told him to behave himself.
All mothers should talk to their daughters about this, explaining that the Wow Affect
is used to bring the daughters defences down and get sex out of the daughter and
then dump her. Unscrupulous people do this, but at the time of the Wowing Experience
the female is so dazzled she just does not see the warnings signs because her mind,
emotions, body, is all focused on whatever it is that the male is doing that is amazing
Another form of this is he turning up at her home for a date in an expensive
car, flowers, dressed in expensive clothing, and the promises of an amazing night
and subconsciously he is telling her that if she wants all this, the night really
should end up in sex, and it usually does that is why males like this do this.
Older women do this with young males. They sleep with the male, totally take him where he has never been before which the young females of his own age have no idea about, and totally captivated by this older women she owns him, he just can’t get enough of her.
She can keep him as a kind of pet for a while just leading him on with the hope that she will be his, even though more than likely the relationship is secret and she would be ashamed to be seen with him publicly for her reputation sake.
The Wow Effect has the same power as the woman being drunk or drugged, she just loses all control of her ability to think straight and is led in a roundabout way to the bedroom then dumped the next day or a few weeks later.
The Wow effect has the victim thinking that the person who dazzled her is amazing, Mr Perfect, and her vaniy is over the hill with excitement and thrilled that he is only showing this amazing attention to her, so she must be very special (yet he has done it with many before and many after her).
A large amount of seduced is Self-Seduction where we want to be Wowed, desired, an have attention laid on us, and if the price is some sex will, all manipulators know that a spoiled grateful female is good in bed, so that is why they do it, and they leave when she gets boring to start the high with a new younger insecure female.
A young man, wanting sex with a daughter, or to seduce or manipulate the mother, can wow the mother with compliments (many undeserved), and she not having heard such things said about her in a while becomes putty in his hands and defending him against the father or other people who see him as less than what she see’s him as, and possibly he sleeps with her as she feels maternal and sorry for him being picked on by so many. Something she would never have done normally, if her vanity and pride had not been seduced first.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
18th of April, 2021.
Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Education. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence.
Garden. Health. House Ideas. How To. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation.
Movies. Music. NZ. OOS/RSI. People. Personal Care. Poetry. Projects. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. Sewing.
Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories. Tips. Tools. Whats It Mean? Words. Woodwork.