Copyright © All rights reserved. Made by James Martin Sandbrook.
Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Education. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence.
Garden. Health. House Ideas. How To. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation.
Movies. Music. NZ. OOS/RSI. People. Personal Care. Poetry. Projects. Proverbs. Psychology. Religion. Reviews. Sewing.
Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories. Tips. Tools. Whats It Mean? Words. Woodwork.
You are working on a project that needs numerous planks.
You have been out to your wood pile and found 3 planks, brought them inside and sanded one side.
You have to go do some other work for a week and you will come back and finish this project.
How can you easily tell which sides of the wood that you have worked on and in what order you wanted them?
To do this draw a pattern like we see in Image 2 on the rough side in the order that
you want the wood.
Then you can come back to the wood later on, even much later, and
still know exactly how you wanted the wood organized, and you know that the side
that has not been drawn on is the good side.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
14th of April, 2021.
Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Education. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence.
Garden. Health. House Ideas. How To. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation.
Movies. Music. NZ. OOS/RSI. People. Personal Care. Poetry. Projects. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. Sewing.
Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories. Tips. Tools. Whats It Mean? Words. Woodwork.