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Work Light
My lighting in the garage and when working around the house was not that good, especially
in corners.
I normally just use the overhead lighting available, but one day I found what is often called a Working Light, or Work Light.
I discovered that you can ge battery run working lights and corded versions.
You may
decide to get the battery version, cordless they are called, due to its portability
and if it is a brand that uses power tools that are powered by battery also such
The advantages to having a work Light that is so bright and clear is that the work is easy to see, and if you are like me, a tad colour blind, the surfaces become clear especially if you are painting a wall. The near colours become much clearer with the shadows being removed.
When I was using my router for carving and design work I was having trouble seeing clearly due to the overhead lighting not reaching the area I was routing. The Work light eliminates all shadows and makes the work being done very clear and easy to see.
One tends to work more confidently like this.
Another advantage is if you are going away you can put your cordless work light in the bot of the car or camper in case of an emergency or flat tire at night.
The cordless version can be taken anywhere, moved anywhere and used everywhere, and this is very convenient.
So if you need to work away from the house, and you don’t want to use a long electrical cord, or you are too far from the house a cordless work light is perfect for the job. Some have variations of light that cane be used like Bright and, Low, High etc.
At first I though that buying one of these was silly because the garage has its own
lighting, the house does too, but once purchased the cordless work light I have been
very impressed with the unit, and used it whenever there is limited lighting.
it is cordless I can just take out the battery from one of my cordless power tools
and put that in the work light and I have bright lighting.
I recommend these for their portability if you get the cordless version, the brightness of the lights, and the way that they present the work area visually clear - meaning that when using a work light the work area becomes bright, like daylight.
You should probably have one just for its convenience in the home or garage, and its m=nice to have such tools when you need one.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
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